Thursday 23 February 2017

One day my family and I were going to Taupo to see our friends. We had noticed that our cat Sam  was limping for a while and his breathing was looking worse. He was really old and we were a little bit worried for his health.

We were all Ready to leave but mum didn't think we could leave him this time she thought he needed to be looked after. I suggested that we could take him with us but Mum and Dad said that it wouldn't work.

We all knew Sam would have to be put down sooner or later and that we may have to do it now. I knew it would be mean to leave him here for the weekend so did everyone else. Mum and dad came to the conclusion that he would have to be put down. We were all very sad. When mum came home she said that he had cancer and that he was in a lot of pain. We were all very sad for a while.